Tuesday 10 April 2012

20 Best Shots - Miniatures

Make no mistake about it - my passion lies in the miniature hobby. I am an avid fan of tabletop wargaming, which involves the waging battles across tabletop battlefields, using miniature models no taller than one's thumb to represent our troops. Duels are resolved using dice, and our miniatures have to navigate through terrain in order ot reach their opponents.

There are several ways one may photograph miniatures. The most common is to mount the subject on a plinth and take photos from every possible angle. This is mainly to showcase the painter's style, technique, colour choic - essentially, to show off the painter's skill.

The other, which I will show below, is to use these miniatures to tell a story.

Compared to a video game, one has to imagine the visual and sound effects that are created from weapons fire, detonations, dying men or exploding vehicles. As much as possible, my shots attempt to depict the battle as seen from a soldier's perspective, or to tell the story of the battle. The soldiers cluster tightly around each other as they prepare to face the horde of chittering aliens. The battlesuit aims down its weaponsights at a distant target. A general rides atop his mighty steed and signals for the charge. All these are scenes can be represented through the course of a tabletop battle, and has been captured on camera.

The following photos were shots taken during the Road to War 3: Desperate Allies tournament.

20 Best Shots (Minatures)

Photo Gallery 3 - Nephew and Dog

This picture gallery was on my assignment entitled 'Close', where we were to portray the close relationship between two subjects. The two subjects taken in these pjhotos are that of my nephew and his fvourite dog, Chloe.

Assignment 7

Photo Gallery 2 - Day at Games Garage

This second photo gallery was more of a trial run - I was visiting a games shop (Games Garage) on Ruby Lane, Potong  Pasir, to request for sponsorship for another event, and I just so happened to have my camera along. Whilst waiting for the negotiations between my colleague and the shop's boss, I took the opportunity to take these photos.

These photos depict scenes in a gaming shop. Usually, games such as tabletop wargames require a good bit of space as well as terrain pieces to make the battle exciting. Most Singaporean homes do not have such space to accomodate large tables, hence Games Garage provides these gamers with table space to play on. A vibrant community of gamers hangs on in this shop during the weekends or during public holidays. The following were taken during the Chinese New Year week.

Random Photos at GG

Monday 9 April 2012

Photo Gallery 1 - A Day at Starbucks

The first gallery that has been uploaded on the site is from my first assignment - scenes from a coffee shop. The idea was that I sat down at a corner, had some coffee for two hours and basically shot anything that moved.

However, I was still starting out, so I didn't seek the permission of those photographed before taking the photo. If you DO see your photo being taken, and wish for me to give credit (or ask me to remove it entirely), please drop an email and I will edit as appropriate.


Welcome to a Slice of Life

Greetings to all!

If you're reading this, very likely you've not been told what this site is about. Well - this here is my online photo portfolio, as well as blog, a sort of a result of a semester under my school's photojournalism course.

Well, why a Slice of Life? One of the things my professor had asked us to discover during the course was our unique style as a photojournalist. Thing is, I wasn't quite sure what there is. I wasn't the kind with the eye for artistic shots, nor was I able to compose interesting portraits. I don't have a preference of shooting styles i.e. colours or techniques, so what is it that best describes 'my style'?

Well, I do have a preferred subject - miniatures... but that isn't enough to excite most audiences. So I considered other areas of interest. 

However, I've noticed that there was something in common amongst the photos that I have taken so far, andsimply put they were are representative of everyday experiences. Rejection? A joyful moment with a pet? A nightwalk? All these are scenes that occur in daily life, but often, people do not take notice as they hurry about their day's tasks and schedules.

It was written once that everything and everyone could be photographed. If other photographers are on the look out for that panacea, I am fine to simply photograph the common as there is even beauty in them. That's what this portfolio hopes to show - beauty in everyday photos of everyday life.

Now as a blog - not only will I use this as a platform to showcase photos that I've taken, I could also use this to well, talk a bit more about life. Perhaps it could also lend some perspective into why I've taken certain shots in certain angles in certain settings.