Monday 9 April 2012

Welcome to a Slice of Life

Greetings to all!

If you're reading this, very likely you've not been told what this site is about. Well - this here is my online photo portfolio, as well as blog, a sort of a result of a semester under my school's photojournalism course.

Well, why a Slice of Life? One of the things my professor had asked us to discover during the course was our unique style as a photojournalist. Thing is, I wasn't quite sure what there is. I wasn't the kind with the eye for artistic shots, nor was I able to compose interesting portraits. I don't have a preference of shooting styles i.e. colours or techniques, so what is it that best describes 'my style'?

Well, I do have a preferred subject - miniatures... but that isn't enough to excite most audiences. So I considered other areas of interest. 

However, I've noticed that there was something in common amongst the photos that I have taken so far, andsimply put they were are representative of everyday experiences. Rejection? A joyful moment with a pet? A nightwalk? All these are scenes that occur in daily life, but often, people do not take notice as they hurry about their day's tasks and schedules.

It was written once that everything and everyone could be photographed. If other photographers are on the look out for that panacea, I am fine to simply photograph the common as there is even beauty in them. That's what this portfolio hopes to show - beauty in everyday photos of everyday life.

Now as a blog - not only will I use this as a platform to showcase photos that I've taken, I could also use this to well, talk a bit more about life. Perhaps it could also lend some perspective into why I've taken certain shots in certain angles in certain settings.

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